Street Names G


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Games Yard
A group of highly unhealthy cottages situated off Chase Side near the Holly Bush [GBH and Ce. 1851]. One George Game was in business as a poulterer in Baker Street in 1845 [K].

Garfield Road
Plans for three cottages were submitted in 1888 [RB 18.1.1888]. The name may have been derived from James Abram Garfield, president of the U.S.A., assassinated in 1881.

Garnault Road
Part of the Bridgen Hall Estate sold for building in 1868 (A.G.). It developed very slowly. Garnault Road was originally known as Avenue Road. Plans for three houses were deposited in 1886 [RB 30.6.1886]. The present name derives from the Garnaults, a Huguenot family who owned Bowling Green House, the predecessor of Myddelton House.

Genotin Road
Originally known as Station Road [RB 10.10.1873].

Gentleman’s Row
The present name is self-explanatory. The roadway was sometimes known as Archway Road [RB 21.2.1873] and also Archway Place [RB 7.3.1876]. These both refer to the former Archway Tavern, now Archway House. The northern end was formerly known as Williams Place [K 1899].

Gilbert Street
Sometimes known as Gilbert Road. A building notice was submitted in 1877 [RB 20.4.1877]. The name is possibly connected with Mark Gilbert who was an estate agent in Enfield Wash [K1899].

Glebe Avenue
Plans for the road and sewer were deposited in 1880 [RB 13.5.1880]. The road was built on former glebe land.

Glenville Avenue
Part of the Cedars Estate. Shown partly built on the 1896 O.S. The Brigadier Hill end was originally called Avenue Road [K 1899].

Gloucester Road
Part of the Cedars Estate. The road is shown on the 1896 O.S. but no house had yet been built. The first houses were occupied by 1899 [K].

Glyn Road
The road had been laid out by 1905 [K], but no houses were built until after World War I. See Aberdare Road, Brecon Road and Swansea Road.

Goat Lane
So-called from the former Goat P.H. which stood at the junction of Goat Lane and Forty Hill.

Goldsdown Road
The present name, acquired in 1903 [K], derives from the name of a field that lay to the north of Green Street. In 1806 it was known as Watery Lane [EA]. An auctioneer’s catalogue of 1775 calls it Lower Watry Lane. This is clearly derived from the marshy nature of the ground. The name Watery Lane was formerly used for Angel Road, Edmonton, a similarly low-lying area.

Gordon Hill
Shown in outline but not named on the 1867 0.S. In 1870 it was known as Conduit Road [RB 7.10.1870] from the former conduit supplied from a well at the top of the hill. It was later known as Upper Gordon Road [RB 2.3.1877]. The present name appears on the 1896 O.S. The name is derived from Gordon House which formerly stood on the east side of Chase Side.

Gordon Road
Part of the Gordon House Estate. In 1858 Gordon House had been demolished, the roads had been laid out and one house built. (See John Tuff – Historical Notices of Enfield, p. 212.) The Chase Side end was known as Lower Gordon Road to distinguish it from Upper Gordon Road (Gordon Hill). The Baker Street end was known either as Fighting Cocks Lane [Ce 1851] or Gordon Lane [K 1899]. See also Halifax Road and Gordon Hill.

Graeme Road
The first houses were occupied in 1901. It was originally a cul-de-sac from Baker Street, but was later extended beyond Churchbury Lane.

The Grangeway
Part of Richard Metherell’s Grange Park Estate. (See the Chine.) The first properties were occupied in 1910 [K].

Granville Road
In existence by 1911 [K].

Green Dragon Lane
The present name comes from the Green Dragon P.H. which formerly stood at the junction of Green Lanes and Green Dragon Lane. It appears in this position on the Edmonton Enclosure Map of 1801/2. In 1754 it was called Filcaps Lane [TM]. (Filcaps Farm stood on the north side near Landra Gardens.) Cary’s Map of Middlesex (1789) shows it as Chace Lane. The Edmonton Enclosure Award of 1801/2 calls it Old Park Road. (It formed the southern boundary of Old Park.) Henrietta Cresswell, writing in 1912, calls it Dog Kennel Lane. A document of 1721 in the Public Record Office refers to the cutting down of an oak tree near the dog kennel on the Chase (DL9/21). The portion between Old Park Ridings and Green Lanes was known earlier in this century as Grange Drive.

Green Road
Prior to 1934 this marked the southern boundary of the Enfield portion of Cockfosters. It appears on an auctioneer’s plan of 1853. It was part of a scheme to develop the area bounded by Chase Side, Chase Road and Bramley Road. The scheme was not a success. No houses were built in Green Road until after World War I.

Green Street
So-called in 1754 [TM]. At its eastern end lay Ayland Green. It was known as Greene Streete in 1572 [S].

The Grove
Part of the Uplands Park Estate. The road is shown in outline on the 1896 0.S. but no houses were occupied until 1909 [K].

Grove Place
Shown on the 1867 O.S.

Grove Road
In existence by 1867 [OS].

Grove Road West
Marked on the 1867 O.S. This area suffered from bad drainage. It was sometimes known as Brace’s Alley [RB 16.10.1879].

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