
A good way of giving financial support to the Society is to make a gift in your will. The Society welcomes donations and legacies and has been able to provide substantial funding for heritage and environmental projects as a result.

If you are considering making a gift in your will (a legacy) it is important that you get the advice of a solicitor. The law about wills and legacies can be complicated, and if you write your own will without legal advice there is a risk that your wishes may not be carried out in the way you intended.

When deciding how to make a gift you can decide either to leave a specific amount, or to leave to the Society a proportion of your estate remaining after specified gifts have been made.

To leave a specific amount to the Society we suggest that you use the following words:

“I leave £[amount] to The Enfield Society of Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield EN2 0AJ (registered charity number 276451).”

To leave a gift of a part of your estate you can use the following words:

‘I leave [specify a percentage or fraction] of my residual estate to the The Enfield Society of Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield EN2 0AJ (registered charity number 276451).’

If you would like your legacy to be used for a specific purpose, please contact the Secretary of the Society—it may not be possible to give effect to a particular request, and this can give rise to difficulties if it is written into your will. In any event it is best to give the Society some discretion to deal with changing circumstances—a solicitor will be able to advise you on how to do this.

If you would like more information or would like to discuss your wishes, please contact XXX

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