Street Names A


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Aberdare Road
In existence by 1903 [K]. The 1914 O.S. shows this and adjoining roads laid out, but no houses built. Nothing was built until after World War I. All the roads on the estate are named after towns in South Wales. See also Glyn Road, Swansea Road, and Brecon Road.

Acacia Road
Part of the Birkbeck Estate. Plans were submitted for houses in 1880. [RB 13.5.1880]. It appears on an auctioneer’s plan of 1887. Many of the roads on the Birkbeck Estate were named after flowers. See also Hawthorn Grove, Myrtle Grove, Lavender Road, Primrose Avenue, Rosemary Avenue, Violet Avenue and Woodbine Grove.

Adelaide Cottages
These stood to the east of London Road behind the former Florida Cinema. In their early days they had no running water or main drainage [RB 30.4.1875]. They were probably named after Queen Adelaide, the consort of King William IV.

Aden Road
First mentioned in 1893 when plans for six houses were submitted [RB 6.7.1893]. Aden became a British colony in 1839.

Albany Road
In 1890 plans for six houses were submitted [RB 27.2.1890]. The name probably derives from Leopold, Duke of Albany, a younger son of Queen Victoria who died in 1884.

Alexandra Road
In existence by 1909 [K]. Named after Queen Alexandra. An adjoining street is called King Edward’s Road.

Allandale Road
This road appears on the 1896 O.S. but no houses had yet been built. The first houses were occupied in 1901 [K]. The eastern end, where it joins Putney Road, was originally named Waverley Road. Allandale is a small village in Northumberland.

Allens Road
First houses were occupied in 1901 [K].

Allison’s Alley
Situated on the west of Baker Street, close to Bell Road [K 1899].

Alma Road
Land was purchased here for the Enfield Waterworks in 1855. The road is clearly marked on the 1867 0.S. The Battle of the Alma, one of the opening encounters of the Crimean War, was fought in 1854.

Almshouse Lane
Leading north from Turkey Street to Crowe’s Almshouses.

Alpha Road
It appears on the 1896 O.S. Probably built C. 1893/4.

Anderson’s Yard
A group of exceptionally squalid cottages situated on the west side of Baker Street approximately opposite Churchbury Road [GBH]. The name probably derives from Edward Anderson, a carrier with a business in Baker Street [K 1845]. They were demolished in 1960.

Armfield Road
Laid out by 1909 [K]. The Armfield Road Hall was opened in September 1909.

Ashton Road
Plans for building four cottages were submitted in 1889 [RB 19.9.1889]. The road is shown partly built on the 1896 O.S.

The Avenues
An unusual instance of the numbering as opposed to the naming of roads. This is common practice in the U.S.A. but relatively rare in Great Britain. FIRST AVENUE appears on the 1896 0.S. with houses on the east side only. The same map shows SECOND AVENUE complete. Plans for four houses in FOURTH AVENUE were submitted in 1880 [RB 9.12.1880]. FIFTH AVENUE also dates from 1880 when plans for ten cottages were submitted. [RB 25.11.1880]. SIXTH AVENUE began life in 188 with plans for forty-one cottages [RB 17.3.1883]. Plans were submitted for four cottages in SEVENTH AVENUE in 1884 [RB 9.5.1884]. THIRD AVENUE was not built until 1927.

Ayland Green
A small triangular green formerly at the junction of Millmarsh Lane and Stockingswater Lane [EA 1806]. An alternative spelling is Aland Green [TM 1754].

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