Street Names W


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Wagon Road
So-called on the 1867 O.S. It is marked on the Enfield Chase Enclosure Map of 1777. It was sometimes known as Long Hill [RB 7.3.1876].

Walsingham Road
The first houses were occupied in 1910 [K]. The name is probably a continuation of the policy begun on the adjoining Enfield New Town development of naming the roads after Elizabethan worthies. See Cecil Road.

Walton Street
Part of the Laurel Bank Estate. The 1896 O.S. shows houses on the east side only.

Warwick Road
Probably built in the early eighteen-sixties. It is marked on the 1867 0.S. Being very low-lying it suffered from drainage problems [RB 10.11.1871].

Waverley Road
Part of the Old Park Estate developed from 1880. Plans for one house were deposited in 1883 [RB 17.3.1883]. The name suggests that the developer must have been acquainted with the novels of Sir Walter Scott. See also Crescent Road and Old Park Road.

Wellington Place
A group of cottages formerly situated to the south of Whitewebbs Lane. The cottages were of early 19th century date and were probably named after the Duke of Wellington.

Wellington Road
Part of the Bush Hill Park Estate, sold for building in 1971 [AC]. The first houses were offered for sale in 1878 [AC]. The road was partly in Edmonton. It was probably named after the Duke of Wellington.

Westmoor Road
The first houses were occupied in 1906. The 1867 O.S. shows a Westmoor House and a Westmoor Farm situated on the north side of Green Street.

Wharf Road
So-called in 1909 [K]. The name reflects the proximity of the Ponders End Wharf on the Lee Navigation. It was previously known as Mill Lane or Mill Road [RB 7.10.1870]. It forms the approach to Ponders End Mill.

Whitehouse Lane
Previously called Hawkings Lane [K1903]. It had acquired its present name by 1909 [K].

Whitewebbs Lane
So-called in 1754 [TM]. At that time only the eastern end of the road was in existence. Near the King and Tinker it terminated at a gate into Enfield Chase. The present name was in use in 1572 but, at the same time, part of the road went under the name of Romey Street.

Windmill Hill
So-called in 1851 [Ce]. The name is derived from the Windmill which stood at the junction of Old Park Road until its demolition in 1904.

Woodbine Grove
Part of the Birkbeck Estate. The road is marked on an auctioneer’s plan of 1887. Plans for one house were submitted in 1893 [RB 13.4.1893]. The 1896 O.S. shows the road partly built.

Woodlands Road
The Woodlands Estate was under construction by 1883 when some of the houses were discovered to have been jerry-built [RB 5.1.1883]. The 1867 O.S. shows a house called the Woodlands on the east side of Brigadier Hill.

Woodside Cottages
A small group of cottages situated to the east of Cockfosters Road, north of the junction with Bramley Road. They appear on the 1867 O.S. They were demolished 0.1935 and the site is now covered by a parade of shops.

Worlds End Lane
Prior to 1934 this road was in Southgate (Edmonton before 1881), but the land on either side of it was in Enfield. In 1934 Worlds End Lane was transferred to Enfield and Southgate was compensated with a portion of Cockfosters. The name appears on the 1867 O.S. The name is obviously an ironic allusion to its remote situation. See also Botany Bay.

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