Broomfield Shell Memorial officially unveiled

At a ceremony on Thursday 5th March, the newly restored Shell Memorial in Broomfield Park was officially unveiled. Performing the unveiling were pupils from nearby Broomfield and Hazelwood Schools. Colin Younger of the Broomfield House Trust thanked a number of organisations and people who were involved, including The Enfield Society… Continue reading

Help wanted to plant 2000 trees

Thames21 has 2,000 trees to plant as part of the Salmons Brook Natural Flood Management project. These will help ‘slow the flow’ in flood conditions and improve biodiversity in the Green Belt. Volunteers are wanted to attend Slopers Pond Farm, EN4 0HL on Saturday 14th March between 10am and 4pm…. Continue reading

Plans for the old Metaswitch sites

The Shirley Road Residents Association are reporting that Domus (a development company) have proposals for the soon-to-be vacated Metaswitch sites. This web-site now features pages for their proposals for both the Ross House and Church Street sites. Their intention, apparently, is to build 96 residents ‘units’ on the Church Street… Continue reading