London Green Belt Council response to the NPPF Consultation 2023

The Planning Directorate at the Department for Levelling-Up, Housing & Communities has been running a public consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). See The London Green Belt Council have responded to the consultation and you can find their response here. [PDF] Continue reading

Latest newsletter published

We have just published our Spring 2023 newsletter which you can download from here. Our lead article is on the scale of the public response to the Local Plan consultation in 2021 and a report to the Environment Forum in November on the possible timetable for the next phase. We… Continue reading

Survey: Enfield Town Public Art Project

As part of a pilot study by Enfield Council and supported by Arts Council England, Enfield Society Trustee John Cole is working with two 17 year old local art students Shan and Aisha, and a local professional artist Mark Beattie to commission new public art for Enfield Town. The young… Continue reading