Library closures are on the Council menu

After resisting library closures for many years when other local authorities were busy with them, LBE now looks set to follow the trend. The Council have published a draft Strategy for the Library Service which sets out proposals to close eight libraries: Bullsmoor, Enfield Highway, Enfield Island Village, Bowes Road,… Continue reading

LBE submits the Local Plan for Examination

The Council have released the news today that the Local Plan has been sent to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for independent Examination. This is a significant moment in the time-line of the Local Plan and means that within a few weeks Examination will start…. Continue reading

Claverings industrial estate (Montagu Road) consultation

A public consultation has started on redevelopment plans for the industrial estate in Edmonton. The intention is to rejuvenate the Industrial Estate, providing highly sustainable, best-in class industrial and logistics space to create new employment opportunities and support Enfield’s economic development. The visual appearance of the site will also be… Continue reading