Thanks to everyone who has written in the past few days to Cllr Caliskan, Ian Davis and Mark Bradbury, asking for the Council’s plans for the Museum and Local Studies Library and Archive which are being displaced at the Dugdale Centre.
We have now seen (several) e-mails from Mark Bradbury in reply. These make it clear that the permanent displays of the Museum, currently on level 1 of the Dugdale Centre, are to be moved to a “redesigned” ground floor. The Enfield Society remains to be convinced there is sufficient space and we are opposed to any loss of the current temporary exhibition space.
The e-mails admit there is no proposal (yet) for the Archive. This means it is now over four months since the decision was taken by Cabinet on 11th March when, clearly, there was no proposal for the location of the Archive presented at the same time.
You may like to sign the petition on which, although does not mention either the Museum or the Archive, nonetheless relates to the decision to move the Children and Families Services into the building.
The proposal to create more council offices in the Dugdale Centre comes at a time when the “Civic Centre” is now only 50% occupied by the Council. Truly Alice-in-Wonderland stuff!