Following an appeal by Viewpoint Estates, the Planning Inspector has upheld the appeal, meaning that planning permission has been granted for the tower blocks at Southgate. Southgate District Civic Voice (SDCV) together with the Enfield Society opposed the application and it was unanimously rejected by the Planning Committee. Among our objections were the prominent position on the hill and the impact this development would have on a wide area around Southgate.
The Inspector makes little mention of the location on a hill. He dismisses concerns about views from Oakwood Park and other locations, but the reason these are a concern is because the development is on the hill. The Enfield Society would have expected some reference to topography even if the concern was dismissed.
We note the following;
- The Inspector makes no reference to orientation and the fact the the development is immediately to the south of the closest residential properties. This impacts on light and shading even if the daylight requirements are met;
- He refers to the dated appearance of the existing office building, while that is true, it is relatively neutral in terms of its impact on the Conservation Area;
- The Society disagrees with the statement in para 28 where the Inspector says that the proposal would sit apart, as a well-designed complex in its own right. The Society feels that the design is lacking in character and is problematic as to height. The Society finds the phrase excellence of design very questionable in para 37;
- LP Policy D3, the High Buildings Policy and policies relating to higher density at transport hubs has clearly been an influence in the decision;
- The Borough’s housing targets set by government and the parlous state of the Council’s housing land supply are also referred to in the report;
- The schedule of conditions in Annex A are more detailed and more onerous than many inquiry reports. That may concern some developers, but inevitably we assume that the landlords will now be looking to sell the site to a housing developer.