The Let’s Talk Enfield Town process, which began in September 2019, has now produced a detailed set of proposals for the Town Centre.
You can access the files from the Council web-site. On the right of the page is the document library. Start with the Information Boards, as these are probably more straight-forward to digest. All the documents are PDF.
The main point which stands out is that Church Street remains open to traffic and Cecil Road remains one-way as at present. However, two-way cycling is proposed for Cecil Road.
The web-site says:
The proposed plan includes a range of measures to improve the Town Centre for the community for generations to come. Key aspects of the proposed plan include:
- Increasing the number of formal signalised pedestrian crossings throughout the Town Centre
- Increasing the width of footways where possible to prioritise space for pedestrians
- Introducing a formal 20 mph speed limit on all roads in the town centre
- Placing a particular focus on improving the pedestrian connection between the Market Square and Pearsons shop front / shopping centre entrance
- Improving the pedestrian arrival at Enfield Town Station
- Introducing a series of facilities to enable safer cycling through the town centre and creating connections with other cycle routes
- Creating a better connection between the Library Green and Enfield Town Park
- Creating a new public square at the junction of Little Park Gardens and Church Street (outside Nationwide Building Society)
- Introducing 15 formal blue badge disabled bays throughout the Town Centre
- Collaborating with the Old Enfield Charitable Trust and Vicar of St Andrew’s Church to enhance the Market Square as the heart of the Town Centre
- Creating an improved public space on ‘Fountain Island’.
Feedback on the proposals
Due to COVID-19, LBE is holding three online presentations to explain the proposals in detail which will take place using Zoom on the following dates:
- Wednesday 4th November, 12pm – 1pm
- Saturday 7th November, 10am – 11am
- Monday 9th November, 6pm – 7pm
You will need to register to attend by using the form on the web-site. Invitations to join these sessions will be sent by email, a day in advance of them taking place.
Feedback on the proposed plan can also be left using a survey on the Let’s Talk web-site, which will remain open until 15th November 2020.