The London Historic Buildings Trust is currently working on an Options Appraisal Enhancement for The Charity School and the adjacent cottage, both important 18th century buildings, in order to ensure their conservation for the future. The aim is to identify viable new uses for the buildings that will also make a positive contribution to the local community.
The site includes a School Hall with a second classroom, a cottage which was originally for the Headmistress, and a large secluded garden to the rear.
For more information and a virtual tour of the building, please see the London Historic Buildings Trust website
As part of the community engagement process, we would welcome your ideas and comments regarding:
- Local needs, especially for young people
- Arts and culture
- Training and learning
- Horticulture and gardening
- Social space
- Anything else?
You can send any feedback to us by email to: info@londonhistoricbuildings.org.uk or write on the attached flier and send it by post to LHBT, 3 Scout Lane, London, SW4 0LA