Let’s Talk Enfield Town: report published

The report from last year’s engagement has now been finalised and is available from Enfield Council’s web-site.

The Enfield Town Consultative Group, which included The Enfield Society, has identified five key design principles to shape future investment in Enfield Town:

  1. Is safe for all
  2. Has a vibrant economy
  3. Is a great place to be
  4. Offers transport choices
  5. Celebrates its heritage

The Council and ECF remain committed to continuing working with you to enable this project to be progressed, despite the ongoing challenges of Covid-19. The Council has also assured the Consultative Group that they remain fully committed to town centre investment during these challenging times.

Over the summer work will be continuing on a design for Enfield Town in preparation for presentation to the community during a second phase of engagement in Autumn 2020. During this phase, residents and businesses will be able to provide specific feedback on the plans and get involved in co-design workshops for the public realm spaces including Fountain Island, the Market Square, Enfield Town Station forecourt, Little Park Gardens, the Library Green and the Civic Centre. The Council will soon be appointing a landscape architect who will be involved in this process.

In addition, the Council have recently bid for funding from Transport for London to increase space for social distancing in Enfield Town, as part of the Streetspace for London initiative. You can read more about the Council’s COVID-19 Streetspace Plan here.

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