Enfield in Bloom “Silver” for station garden group

Enfield Society gardening volunteers at Enfield Chase Station were delighted to receive a “Silver” award in the category Best Public Building, in this year’s Enfield in Bloom competition. This was for their colourful container planting on the platforms. The team created a display of pelargoniums, salvias and ivy as illustrated… Continue reading

Enfield Living Memorial unveiled

At a ceremony on Sunday 24th September, the new Enfield Living Memorial was unveiled by the Justine Stracy of the Enfield Soroptimists. Explaining the origins of the project, Justine thanked the local artist who designed it—Joe Robinson—and the several groups and organisations who contributed to the costs. Among these were… Continue reading

London Open House, 6–17 September

After a shaky start, The London Borough of Enfield will have eight events in this year’s programme; 7 places to visit and one walk. At one point it looked like LBE wouldn’t have any entries due to a lack of funding, but at the last minute LBE found another source…. Continue reading