Black Film Club for Dugdale Arts Centre

A new Black Film Club has been established at the Dugdale Arts Centre. Starting from Friday 31st January (7pm) the films will be aimed at adults and children. Initially a three-month season to see how popular this will be and the Club is hoping for support from the Enfield community…. Continue reading

Society meets Local Plan Programme Officer

On 3rd December the Society, Enfield Road Watch and other residents’ groups met with Annette Feeney the Planning Inspector’s Programme Officer. Annette had offered the meeting, in part due to concerns over the Council’s failure to publish all the submissions on the Local Plan and also to meet some of… Continue reading

Enfield Footpaths map now available

The latest and fully-revised version of our most popular publication is now available to order from our website. The map now includes our version of a ‘borough orbital’ footpath which takes you round the Borough using existing rights-of-way and permissive paths. The map is £5.00 + £3 P&P. Continue reading