Enfield Town improvements: final proposals

The Let’s Talk Enfield Town project has now published final proposals for the improvements to the Town.

A public webinar took place on Tuesday 2nd August, where the proposals for improvements to Enfield Town were presented in detail, and can be viewed here.

These are significant proposals which could cost as much as £15M. Unfortunately, LBE doesn’t have sufficient funding at present but is hoping to receive a contribution from TfL. You may recall that LBE originally received £6M in 2019, but this was subsequently withdrawn as TfL is facing a funding short-fall after the COVID pandemic.

The slides from the presentation are also available from the Let’s Talk Enfield Town website. For convenience use this link (PDF).

Feedback on the proposals, and a competition to find a name for the new public space to be created where Little Park Gardens joins Church Street can also be found on the Let’s Talk Enfield Town website. Surveys and competition replies are required by 25th September 2022.

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