Edmonton Hundred Historical Society Day Conference: 29th October

Transport in the Edmonton Hundred


09.45 Doors open
10.00 Welcome by Chairman Howard Whisker
10.05 The Railways of the Edmonton Hundred – David Cockle
11.00 Coffee/tea & biscuits (included in price) and book sales
11.30 The Aerial War over Edmonton 1914-1918 – Ian Jones
12.30 Lunch Break (bring your own, or there are places to eat locally) & book sales
14.00 The Lee Navigation – Dr Roger Squires
15.00 Coffee/tea & biscuits (included in price) and book sales
15.30 Transport in the Edmonton Hundred: an overview – Dr Jim Lewis
16.25 Chairman’s closing remarks
16.30 Close


Places may be booked (at £10.00) by sending a cheque made payable to Edmonton Hundred Historical Society to:
EHHS Events,
13A Palmerston Road,
Bowes Park,
London N22 8QH.

Please state telephone number (mobile if possible) or email address for confirmation of booking.

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