Local Plan Debate petition: we’ve made it!

On behalf of the local groups who have organised the Local Plan Debate petition, a huge “thank you” for helping us make over 3,500 signature, more than the 3,124 needed. Around 1500 have been collected by volunteers, a big ask and a huge effort.

The paper petitions will be handed to the Council next week and the signatures will be scrutinised. We hope this won’t take long and that we’ll be able to make our presentation to full Council at the late September meeting. If we miss that one, it will be November. Even better would be for the Council to take note of our requests and say yes to them all!

If you have not yet signed and live, work or study in the Borough, you can still sign by heading over to the Council petition web-page and finding the petition link at the bottom (Councillors we voted for you…). Petition closes at 5pm on 31st August 2022.

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