Hadley Wood Neighbourhood Plan

In 2015 local residents of Hadley Wood were successful in having the Council establish the Hadley Wood Neighbourhood Forum for the specific purpose of creating a draft Neighbourhood Plan. This is a bit like a local plan for the Borough, but over a smaller area. One benefit of having a Neighbourhood Plan is that a quarter of the Community Infrastructure Levy (a ‘tax’ imposed on some local developments) is controlled by the local residents and businesses. The Plan seeks to:

  • Preserve the character and natural environment
  • Protect the Green Belt
  • Have clearer policies and guidelines for planning applicants
  • Encourage more sympathetic and considerate development for neighbours.

Initially the Hadley Wood Neighbourhood Forum was to exist for five years, but the intervention of COVID slowed progress on creating the Plan, so the Council has now extended the Forum’s life for a further five years (from January 2020).

A draft Neighbourhood Plan is now published and a consultation on the Plan is now open until 3rd July 2022. The Plan will have a life up until 2039, mirroring the Borough’s draft Local Plan.

A public meeting will take place Tuesday 21st June 2022 (time to be confirmed) at the Hadley Wood Association’s Hall by the tennis courts. Check here for more details of the meeting.

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