Society rejects ETRA claims that it suggested building on supermarket car parks

The Enfield Society notes that the Enfield Town Residents’ Association (ETRA) September Newsletter article by the Chair, Dr Linda Miller, claims that the inclusion of some of the controversial parts of the Enfield Local Plan were at the suggestion of the Enfield Society, Enfield RoadWatch and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (London) (CPRE). Specifically, ETRA claimed that we had proposed building on supermarket car parks [ETRA Newsletter, 24 September 2021, page 1]. This is totally wrong.

Working in partnership with Enfield RoadWatch and the CPRE, The Society produced the report Space to Build in 2019. The report sought to identify all brownfield sites across Enfield that have the potential for redevelopment. It included a detailed survey of land use, plans and photographs identifying sites. The purpose of the report was to highlight the possibility of meeting the Borough’s housing targets without building on Green Belt and and other open spaces and to assist the Council in drawing up a shortlist of potential sites.

Redevelopment of brown field sites can still include car parking by building above car parking facilities or redesigning the layout.

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