You may recall that in 2018 plans were proposed for the redevelopment of the Intimate Theatre, Palmers Green. The Society were approached by a number of theatre groups concerned about the loss of the theatre and we gave the Parish Priest the opportunity to put the case for a new parish centre in our Winter 2018 newsletter (page 11).
The arguments were finely balanced and the Society decided not to submit a planning objection to the scheme, although we had supported including the theatre on the Local List on the grounds of its historical associations. The Conservation Advisory Group were also divided, although there were some detailed comments about the design of the new building.
After much discussion and scheme revisions, the schemes goes to Planning Committee on Tuesday 3rd November with a recommendation to approve:
Redevelopment of the site involving demolition of existing building and ancillary structures and erection of part 2, part 3 storey building with basement level to provide new church hall with parish community facilities and 6 x 2 bed self contained flats with associated landscaping.