Volunteers wanted to plant 100,000 trees in Enfield

Thames 21 will be hosting volunteering events every 1st and 3rd Saturday each month between November 2020 to March 2021 with some additional dates for National tree week and half term in February 2021. In total will have 100,000 trees to plant across Enfield Chase over two years and have opened online registration up until the end of the year already.

Each session has a limit of 30 participants and will be delivered in way that is as safe as possible for both volunteers and staff. Extra hand washing and sanitiser will be provided, details will be kept for track and trace purposes. Online registration forms have meant less close contact and exchange of items that are hard to clean properly (pen, clipboard and paper). Large area to socially distance properly and staggered breaks/lunch stop.

To book for one (or more!) of these sessions, find the date in the Thames21 Calendar, click the event and this will take you to the booking form.

The first event is 7th November 2020 see: https://www.thames21.org.uk/event/trees-for-rivers-community-tree-planting-enfield-chase-exact-location-tbc/

A talk by Graham Campbell (LBE) has been arranged for Tuesday 27th October, where Graham will talk about this project to restore Enfield Chase.

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  1. Pingback: The Enfield Chase Restoration Project – The Enfield Society

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