Society directory

The easiest way to contact us is to send an e-mail to and we will direct it onto the correct person or group. You may also use our contact form.

However, direct e-mail addresses for us are as follows:

Management Committee (Trustees) Dave Cockle, John Cole, Tony Foster, Robert Fowler, Stephen Gilburt, Andrew Lack, Jan Metcalfe, Stuart Mills, Hilary Morris, Avril Nanton, Alison Parker, Richard Stones, Alec Tyler and John West.

Office Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 0AJ

Tel: 020 8363 9495 [When there is nobody in the office messages left on the answering machine will be dealt with as promptly as possible.]

Jubilee Hall bookings Jubilee Hall is available for hire to local groups and societies for seated meetings, conferences, etc. Enquiries about bookings should be made to Janet McQueen by e-mail to the above hall bookings address or by leaving a message on the Jubilee Hall telephone: 020 8363 9495.

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