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Webinar: Housing crisis & Green Belt loss in North London

February 27 at 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

The CPRE is holding a lunchtime online meeting to discuss the housring crisis in Enfield and the Council’s approach of taking Green Belt land to solve this.

There is plenty of brownfield land in Enfield. There is no need to build on Green Belt. In any event, doing so cannot solve Enfield’s housing crisis: just building homes will not address the real problem facing Enfield residents – affordability. And yet the council continues to pursue plans to enable house-builders to build over historic Green Belt landscapes with low density, car-dependent, unaffordable housing. Join us to hear from local campaigners about how and why Enfield residents are fighting back.

Taking part are Alice Roberts (CPRE), Carol Fisk (Enfield RoadWatch) and Andrew Lack (Enfield Society).

The meeting is free but you will need to register via Eventcube.


February 27
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Event Category:

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