Southbury and Carterhatch

Belling factory: delivery lorries

Belling-Lee Ltd., Great Cambridge Road

Belling-Lee Ltd., Great Cambridge Road

Belling-Lee Ltd., Great Cambridge Road

Bury Farm (now Craddock House)

Carterhatch Lane civic amenity site

Carterhatch Lane civic amenity site 1976

Copper beech, Fyfield Road

Enfield Electricity Works, Ladysmith Road, Spring 1980

Enfield Electricity Works, Ladysmith Road. Name plaque, with date 1906.

Enfield Fair, Carterhatch Lane

Enfield swimming bath, Southbury Road

Enfield Town station, Southbury Road, 1980

Enfield Town, east side, 1868, showing the Nag's Head inn

EPS working party at Southbury Station, 1966

Footbridge over the A10

Great Cambridge Road, A10, opened in 1926

Great Cambridge Road, showing factories