Last additions

Gordon Hill centenary train naming event%523 %04, %2010

Locomotive on narrow-gauge railway between armaments factories%502 %01, %2010

Windmill Hill in 1906%502 %01, %2010

Edmonton Green station%502 %01, %2010

Gordon Hill station footbridge%502 %01, %2010

Locomotive "Enfield Town"%502 %01, %2010

Rendlesham viaduct %502 %01, %2010

Rufus Barnes unveiling centenary plaque at Gordon Hill station%471 %01, %2010

Centenary plaque at Gordon Hill station%471 %01, %2010

Wall painting%787 %27, %2010

Door and Huxley memorial, All Saints Church, Edmonton%787 %27, %2010

East window and wall%787 %27, %2010

Wall painting%787 %27, %2010

South aisle%787 %27, %2010

Tower%787 %27, %2010

Chancel of All Saints Church, Edmonton%787 %27, %2010

Outside Marden Hill House%670 %27, %2010

Beside the Mimram river%669 %27, %2010
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