Last additions

Claysmore Lodge%718 %30, %2016

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath, March 2016%925 %25, %2016

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath, March 2016%925 %25, %2016

Potters Wood in March 2016 %925 %25, %2016

Potters Wood plaque in March 2016 %925 %25, %2016

Enfield Grammar School, Church Walk%549 %23, %2016

St. Andrew's Church, 1813%539 %23, %2016

St. Andrew's Church%539 %23, %2016

Footpath survey, New River at rear of Clockhouse Nurseries, 1976%021 %22, %2016

Burnt Farm footpath celebration%021 %22, %2016

Work on Gough Park footpath%021 %22, %2016

Footbridge over the A10%021 %22, %2016

Gough Park footpath%020 %22, %2016

Jubilee footpath - fixing fence wire, 1978-79%020 %22, %2016

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath%020 %22, %2016

Gough Park footpath, May 1976%020 %22, %2016

Litter clearance at Enfield Lock, autumn 1982%953 %22, %2016

Clay Hill Lodge%953 %22, %2016
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