Last additions

Public toilets, Little Park Gardens%793 %29, %2011

Cricket in Town Park%793 %29, %2011

Carnegie library building of Enfield Town Library, viewed from Cecil Road%793 %29, %2011

Art exhibition on library green%793 %29, %2011

Obelisk, Trent Park. Inscription on base.%793 %29, %2011

Statue of Venus, Trent Park House%793 %29, %2011

Trent Park House - engraving%793 %29, %2011

Trent Park House%793 %29, %2011

Sphinx statue%793 %29, %2011

Tree nursery, Gough Park, 1969(?) %735 %05, %2011

Litter clearance at Enfield Town station%735 %05, %2011

Gateway into St Andrew's churchyard from Church Lane%735 %05, %2011

Lauch of vol.3 of "A history of Enfield"%735 %05, %2011

Turkey Brook%735 %05, %2011

Enfield Grammar School%735 %05, %2011

The flash%993 %03, %2011

Anti-litter weekend, March 1971%993 %03, %2011

Launch of the New River Action Group, 14th March 1987%993 %03, %2011
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