Last additions

RSAF armourers, 1905%027 %29, %2011

Bush Hill Golf Club Lodge %027 %29, %2011

Aerial view of RSAF%027 %29, %2011

Tiled mosaic in the A10 underpass%027 %29, %2011

Baker Street%027 %29, %2011

Clay Hill / Baker Street junction at time of road alterations%052 %24, %2011

Clay Hill / Baker Street junction at time of road alterations %052 %24, %2011

Formal ceremony at Forty Hall%052 %24, %2011

Junction of Baker Street and Parsonage Lane%052 %24, %2011

Marty Feldman filming at Forty Hall%052 %24, %2011

Marty Feldman filming at Forty Hall%052 %24, %2011

Demonstration%052 %24, %2011

Rose and Crown%052 %24, %2011

Rose and Crown%052 %24, %2011

Whitewebbs House%052 %24, %2011

Fir Tree House being demolished%052 %24, %2011

Fir Tree House being demolished%052 %24, %2011

Arnold House, 66 The Ridgeway%052 %24, %2011
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