Last additions

Trent Park House%841 %06, %2011

Trent Park lake%841 %06, %2011

Trent Park water garden%841 %06, %2011

Willow Cottage, Burnt Farm Ride%028 %29, %2011

Statuette of Col. Somerset on horseback%028 %29, %2011

Silver cup presented to Col. Sir Alfred Somerset%028 %29, %2011

Col. Sir Alfred Somerset, K.C.B., D.L., J.P.%028 %29, %2011

Lady Somerset%028 %29, %2011

Enfield Preservation Society exhibition%028 %29, %2011

Book collection day%028 %29, %2011

Jubilee Hall interior%028 %29, %2011

Jubilee Hall exterior, 1991%028 %29, %2011

Working party outside Jubilee Hall%028 %29, %2011

Bridge over New River Loop, near Parsonage Gardens%028 %29, %2011

Chase Green%028 %29, %2011

Crown and Horseshoes%028 %29, %2011

South Lodge, Whitewebbs Park%028 %29, %2011

Whitewebbs House%028 %29, %2011
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