Last additions

Wright's flour mill%909 %05, %2012

M25 motorway%909 %05, %2012

M25 motorway%909 %05, %2012

Barclay's Bank, 255 High Street, Ponders End%909 %05, %2012

Daffodils in Ponders End recreation ground%909 %05, %2012

Walled garden, Pymmes Park%909 %05, %2012

Walled garden, Pymmes Park%909 %05, %2012

Walled garden, Pymmes Park%909 %05, %2012

Walled garden, Pymmes Park%909 %05, %2012

Drinking fountain in the walled garden, Pymmes Park%909 %05, %2012

History of Enfield vol.3 book launch, 1994%940 %28, %2012

Window display of Enfield's architectural heritage, 1978%940 %28, %2012

Walkers at Crews Hill heading for Burnt Farm Ride%940 %28, %2012

Clearing litter at Rangers Boys' Club, Carterhatch Lane, 1983%940 %28, %2012

Myddelton House grounds : visit, 1985%940 %28, %2012

Myddelton House grounds : visit, 1985%940 %28, %2012

Work on Parkside Farm footpath, October 1977%940 %28, %2012

National Tree Week, 1976%940 %28, %2012
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