Last additions

362 Baker Street, 1978%057 %17, %2012

362 Baker Street, old shop, 1965?%057 %17, %2012

Burnt out "Home Craft Shop", Baker Street%057 %17, %2012

The fountain, Enfield Town, looking toward London Road%057 %17, %2012

Church Street shops, south side, west%057 %17, %2012

Barclay's Bank, from Sydney Road%057 %17, %2012

The Town, north side shops, 1980%057 %17, %2012

Church Street shops, north side, west%057 %17, %2012

Burleigh Way, 1988%057 %17, %2012

Footbridge over the A10%057 %17, %2012

Old Vestry House, with bus shelter in front, 1965%057 %17, %2012

EPS stand at the Town Show%057 %17, %2012

Tree planting at Chase Boys School by Tim Eggar, MP, 1981%057 %17, %2012

The Town, from London Road, 1975%057 %17, %2012

Working party, St. Andrew's churchyard%057 %17, %2012

Book launch, History of Enfield, vol.3%057 %17, %2012

Burnt Farm Ride footpath%057 %17, %2012

Tree trail Mayorial walk, with Mayor Clive Goldwater%057 %17, %2012
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