Last additions

Market place, King's Head and St. Andrew's Church%819 %18, %2012

Market place and the Rialto, 1923.%819 %18, %2012

Rear of Eagle House, Hertford Road, Ponders End%819 %18, %2012

Footpath group at Burnt Farm Ride, Crews Hill, 1981%819 %18, %2012

St. Michael's Green, Chase Side. Christ Church brownies, tree planting, 1972%819 %18, %2012

Parkside Farm. EPS Footpaths Group working party%819 %18, %2012

Edmonton Green. EPS members collecing signatures to defend the Green Belt%819 %18, %2012

Horse-drawn bus at Pearson's 75th anniversary, 1978%819 %18, %2012

Horse-drawn bus at Pearson's 75th anniversary, 1978%819 %18, %2012

Horse-drawn bus at Pearson's 75th anniversary, 1978%819 %18, %2012

Old Forge Road, Forty Hill%819 %18, %2012

St. Michael's Hospital%819 %18, %2012

Whitewebbs House%819 %18, %2012

Palace Gardens and Sydney Road, before building of Palace Exchange%819 %18, %2012

Public offices, Gentleman's Row%819 %18, %2012

Ornate door bell for Castleleigh%819 %18, %2012

Castleleigh%819 %18, %2012

Ornate door bell for Castleleigh%819 %18, %2012
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