Last additions

Bay Farm%667 %17, %2017

The Crescent%667 %17, %2017

Bush Hill Sluice%667 %17, %2017

View from St Andrew's Church tower, 1977%667 %17, %2017

The Crescent%667 %17, %2017

Garden of remembrance, Broomfield Park%677 %20, %2017

Windsmill, 84 Windmill Hill%983 %24, %2016

Enfield Society Management Committee, 2016%536 %19, %2016

Enfield Society Management Committee, 2016%534 %19, %2016

Dr Christopher J. A. Jephcott%496 %19, %2016

Charity School, Church Street, Edmonton%693 %07, %2016

Charity School, Church Street, Edmonton%693 %07, %2016

Petition of 1500 signatures being handed over on 2nd November 1982%935 %03, %2016

Enfield Lock anti-litter campaign, June 1983%935 %03, %2016

Valerie Carter, 1976%761 %02, %2016

Footpath map, 2016 edition%723 %02, %2016

Oddfellows' Hall, Old Park Avenue%570 %02, %2016

Heritage series no. 3: Enfield past and present%925 %01, %2016
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