Last additions

Carr's Basin, Town Park, 1983%051 %27, %2013

Carr's Basin, Town Park, 1983%051 %27, %2013

New River bridge, Parsonage Gardens%051 %27, %2013

Anti-litter Group clearing the New River Loop, May 1990%051 %27, %2013

National Tree Week, 1984%051 %27, %2013

National Tree Week, 1984%051 %27, %2013

National Tree Week, 1984%051 %27, %2013

Dedication of seat at Library Green%051 %27, %2013

Dedication of seat at Library Green%051 %27, %2013

St. Andrew's churchyard%051 %27, %2013

Young EPS walk%051 %27, %2013

Autumn Show, Town Park, 1985%051 %27, %2013

Autumn Show, Town Park, 1985%051 %27, %2013

Autumn Show, Town Park, 1985%051 %27, %2013

Bungalow, Holly Walk, Chapel Street or River View ?%051 %27, %2013

Terraced houses, Holly Walk, from playing fields%051 %27, %2013

Enfield Grammar School: playing fields%051 %27, %2013

Enfield Chase (now County) School: electricity substation%051 %27, %2013
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