Last additions

Wades Hill, wall in front of Glenwood House%578 %23, %2015

Vicar's Moor Lane, 82, 84%577 %23, %2015

Vicar's Moor Lane, 100, 102, 104, 106 %576 %23, %2015

London Road, 65%572 %23, %2015

Hoppers Road, N21, 84 and 86%571 %23, %2015

High Street, Southgate, 27%570 %23, %2015

High Street, Southgate, 5 and 7%569 %23, %2015

Green Lanes, 698 (Stefan House)%568 %23, %2015

The Green, Southgate, 40 (Ash Lodge) and 41%566 %23, %2015

Essex Road, 4%565 %23, %2015

Eversley Mount, Boundary Wall (1)%563 %23, %2015

Eversley Mount, Boundary Wall (2)%563 %23, %2015

Church Walk, Enfield, The Kings Head%562 %23, %2015

Church Street, Enfield, 27 (Post Office) and railings%560 %23, %2015

Church Street, Enfield, 88-90%558 %23, %2015

Church Hill, N21, Wall to north of St Paul's church%555 %23, %2015

Church Hill, N21, 55 (Stone Hall Lodge)%555 %23, %2015

Chase Side, Enfield, 99 (The Bays)%549 %23, %2015
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