Last additions

Market place about 1890%916 %03, %2015

Market place about 1900%916 %03, %2015

St Andrew's church interior before restoration%916 %03, %2015

Market Cross%916 %03, %2015

Mr F Goldby's chemist shop. Interior.%916 %03, %2015

Church Street on the day that the trams came%916 %03, %2015

Cottage Hospital of 1875%916 %03, %2015

Corner of Chase Side and Chase Green Avenue about 1890%916 %03, %2015

Sir Walter Raleigh's old house at Chase Side%916 %03, %2015

Chase Side from Trinity Street%915 %03, %2015

Church Lane cottages%915 %03, %2015

Turkey Street, 43 (rear)%591 %23, %2015

Turkey Street, 43%591 %23, %2015

Turkey Street, 41-43%590 %23, %2015

Turkey Street, 41%589 %23, %2015

Wharf Road, Garden walls (?)%587 %23, %2015

Wharf Road, Lodge Cottage and Garden Walls (?)%587 %23, %2015

Wharf Road, Lodge Cottage%586 %23, %2015
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