Last additions

Rainton tomb in St. Andrew's Parish Church%011 %12, %2009

Room furnished in 1940s style%011 %12, %2009

"Sir Nicolas and Lady Rainton"%011 %12, %2009

Georgian study%011 %12, %2009

Room presented as in the 1640s%011 %12, %2009

Porch, east side%011 %12, %2009

Plastered wall and ceiling, 17th century%011 %12, %2009

Forty Hall%011 %12, %2009

Entrance gate%011 %12, %2009

Palace Gardens shopping precinct: entrance from Church Street%806 %12, %2009

Fountain island, Enfield Town, 2009%806 %12, %2009

Fountain island, Enfield Town, 2009%806 %12, %2009

Burger stall at Palace Gardens%806 %12, %2009
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