Last additions

Parsonage Lane, 1900%003 %27, %2010

Manor Barn%003 %27, %2010

St. Michael's Green, 1985%003 %27, %2010

Conversion of Jubilee Hall%999 %27, %2010

G. H. Grigg, the Manor Stores%999 %27, %2010

Christ Church, Chase Side %997 %27, %2010

Angel sculpture on Christ Church%997 %27, %2010

Enfield's old windmill, Old Park Road%747 %25, %2010

Enfield Manor House%746 %25, %2010

North east view of the old palace, Enfield, 1508%745 %25, %2010

New River Loop before renovation, full of weeds and algae%744 %25, %2010

Enfield Preservation Society members cleaning up the New River Loop%744 %25, %2010

Enfield Town and the market in 1910%017 %13, %2010

St. Andrew's School%826 %11, %2010

Library Green%811 %11, %2010

Southgate Underground station%805 %11, %2010

Old gas office, Sydney Road%767 %11, %2010

Old gas office, Sydney Road%766 %11, %2010
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