Last additions

Presentation of wall hanging, 1996%529 %22, %2016

Presentation of wall hanging, 1996%529 %22, %2016

Memorial plaque for Irene Smith MBE%529 %22, %2016

Memorial plaque for Irene Smith MBE%529 %22, %2016

Opening of Groundforce Grove%529 %22, %2016

Plaque to mark Grounforce Grove%529 %22, %2016

Edmonton Green in 1969%529 %22, %2016

Enfield Town in the early 1930s%529 %22, %2016

Sign prohibiting the dumping of rubbish%038 %20, %2016

Opening of Parkside Farm footpath, 1979%038 %20, %2016

Gough Park footpath%038 %20, %2016

Our first stile%038 %20, %2016

Map of Palace Gardens area before demolition%038 %20, %2016

Clearing a car park, 1984%038 %20, %2016

Gough Park footpath work%038 %20, %2016

Presentation of gavel and block to EPS%038 %20, %2016

Tree planting at St Peter's Church, Grange Park, November 1973%038 %20, %2016

Clearing litter at Rangers Boys' Club, Carterhatch Lane, 1983%038 %20, %2016
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