Last additions - Enfield Chase

Ridge End, The Ridgeway%576 %06, %2018

Enfield Chase%667 %17, %2017

Bay Farm%667 %17, %2017

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath, March 2016%925 %25, %2016

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath, March 2016%925 %25, %2016

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath%020 %22, %2016

Plaque marking the Ridgeway end of the Jubilee Footpath%038 %20, %2016

Parkside Farm footpath, 1979%037 %20, %2016

Litter clearance in Coopers Lane Road, 1963.%704 %17, %2016

Rectory Farm in winter%895 %14, %2015

Ridgemount%982 %06, %2014

Tower House, 66 The Ridgeway%982 %06, %2014

Parkside Farm. EPS Footpaths Group working party%819 %18, %2012

Water tower, north end of the Ridgeway%057 %17, %2012

Lavender Hill Cemetery and Rendlesham Viaduct%057 %17, %2012

Former gun site, off Enfield Road%057 %17, %2012

Site of former army camp, off Enfield Road%057 %17, %2012

Rectory Farm: side of a whitewashed brick house%715 %13, %2012