Last additions - litter clearance

Enfield Lock anti-litter campaign, June 1983%935 %03, %2016

Sign prohibiting the dumping of rubbish%038 %20, %2016

Clearing a car park, 1984%038 %20, %2016

Clearing litter at Rangers Boys' Club, Carterhatch Lane, 1983%038 %20, %2016

Clearing the old course of the New River, Gough Park, 1965%704 %17, %2016

Clearing the old course of the New River, Gough Park, 1965%704 %17, %2016

Clearing litter at Rangers Boys' Club, Carterhatch Lane, 1983%940 %28, %2012

Litter clearance by EPS members, Whitewebbs Lane, 1973%794 %29, %2011

Litter clearance by EPS members%794 %29, %2011

Anti-litter weekend, March 1971%993 %03, %2011