Last additions - Enfield Town

Southbury Road, Genotin Road and The Town%000 %25, %2011

Litter clearance at Enfield Town station%735 %05, %2011

The Town, c.1905%985 %01, %2010

Enfield Town and fountain, looking towards Silver Street%694 %27, %2010

Old vestry house: railings%694 %27, %2010

Barclay's Bank%999 %21, %2010

Barclay's Bank%999 %21, %2010

Greyhound Inn and old police station%999 %21, %2010

Enfield Town, east side, 1868, showing the Nag's Head inn%638 %08, %2010

George Inn, between 1885 and 1890%544 %08, %2010

Enfield Town, south side, 1868%544 %08, %2010

Cars parked in Enfield Town, 1946%544 %08, %2010

Old Vestry House%544 %08, %2010

Enfield Town, south side, 1885%544 %08, %2010

George public house, March 1967-October 1971%544 %08, %2010

Post Office and Mr Tuff's chemists shop, about 1860%544 %08, %2010

Old Vestry House, 1979%032 %07, %2010

Smith and Sons hardware shop, 1899%032 %07, %2010
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