Last additions - Enfield Town

Barclay's Bank, from Sydney Road%057 %17, %2012

The Town, north side shops, 1980%057 %17, %2012

Old Vestry House, with bus shelter in front, 1965%057 %17, %2012

The Town, from London Road, 1975%057 %17, %2012

George Inn, 1885%949 %15, %2012

Enfield 1827%011 %05, %2012

The Town, north side%909 %05, %2012

The Town, north side%909 %05, %2012

Enfield Town, looking northwest along Church Street%753 %28, %2012

Archaeological relics at Enfield%715 %13, %2012

The fountain, Enfield Town%794 %29, %2011

Fountain%028 %29, %2011

Barclay's Bank%028 %29, %2011

The Town, looking east%052 %24, %2011

Old Post Office, The Town%052 %24, %2011

Enfield Town, looking south east%052 %24, %2011

Hearts of Oak and Enfield Building Society%052 %24, %2011

25 The Town%052 %24, %2011
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