Last additions - Enfield Town

Ebenezer Terrace, Genotin Road%576 %06, %2018

The Town, north side shops%575 %06, %2018

Former Greyhound Inn, Enfield Town%995 %27, %2016

Enfield Town from the west, c.1860%995 %27, %2016

Fountain, Enfield Town%995 %27, %2016

Enfield Town, view towards Silver Street, 1901-1908%995 %27, %2016

Enfield Town before 1909.%995 %27, %2016

Tramcars in Enfield Town, c.1920%995 %27, %2016

Enfield Town in the early 1930s%529 %22, %2016

Old Vestry House%705 %17, %2016

Rear of nos. 5,6,7 and 8 The Town, summer 1979%982 %06, %2014

Tram terminus, Enfield%982 %30, %2014

The Town, 21st March 1928%982 %30, %2014

Enfield in the 16th century%778 %26, %2013

Silver Street looking towards London Road%956 %19, %2013

The Town, looking west%956 %19, %2013

The Town, looking east.%010 %29, %2013

NatWest Bank and adjacent shops, The Town, June 1983%931 %22, %2013
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