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Cole family, outside Cole's Dairy, setting off on an outing?%02/%20/%20 pm29 %18:%FebHilary: Penny Gardner says: The building in the photo ( Co...

Southgate School%11/%05/%17 pm30 %13:%NovRichard Summerfield: This is Southgate School,(that used to be Southgat...

Alma Road Secondary School, about 1959%08/%25/%16 pm31 %16:%AugPhilH: Just seen this photo. I was also in this class. Re...

Townhouse night club%07/%25/%16 am31 %08:%JulNick Catford: In the 1990s I regularly went to the Tennessee cou...

Former hospital, now housing%06/%24/%16 am30 %02:%JunP Cracknell: Administration block extension, later Trust HQ (bu...

Highlands Hospital, 1986%06/%24/%16 am30 %02:%JunP Cracknell: Stair tower, administration block, latterly the Tr...

Highlands Hospital administration block%06/%24/%16 am30 %01:%JunP Cracknell: Original administration block, later the Services ...

Former hospital, now housing%06/%24/%16 am30 %01:%JunP Cracknell: Administration block, South Lodge Hospital (buildi...

Highlands Hospital, 1986%06/%24/%16 am30 %01:%JunP Cracknell: Ambulance station and former main drive. The South...

Highlands Hospital, 1986%06/%24/%16 am30 %01:%JunP Cracknell: Pavilion 18, Theatres block (building H23)- now co...

Highlands Hospital, 1986%06/%24/%16 am30 %01:%JunP Cracknell: Former Nurse's Home, later named Beech House ...

Halcyon%05/%26/%16 pm31 %19:%MayHalcyon: Are there any more pictures of this house?

Site of former army camp, off Enfield Road%03/%30/%16 am31 %00:%Marmclacr: You can still see remnants of it on Google earth. ...

Swan and Pike pool, River Lea Navigation, June 1983%03/%29/%16 pm31 %23:%Marmclacr: Fished here in the early 60's with my friend ...

Enfield North Labour Party offices, March 1989%03/%29/%16 pm31 %23:%Marmclacr: Previously the Gas Showrooms. The Barnett family l...

Rear of Eagle House, Hertford Road, Ponders End%03/%10/%16 pm31 %13:%Mareileen: I lived in Nag's Head Road from the age of 2 ...

%01/%14/%16 pm31 %22:%Janbronjo: I was born at 355 Ordnance Road in 1941 and would ...

High Street, Southgate, 27%01/%10/%16 pm31 %18:%Janrubecula: Originally The Eagle beerhouse. Edward George Will...