TES photographs

The Enfield Society photograph collection

Last comments - Whitewebbs and Crews Hill
The old bridge, Wildwoods, Flash Lane%03/%14/%15 pm31 %15:%Marjimmyt: When I was about 12yrs I threw a lump of concrete ...
Willow Cottage, Burnt Farm Ride%01/%13/%12 pm31 %23:%JanJohn Rowe: South End of Burnt Farm Ride
Pair of houses, nos. 5 and 6 Burnt Farm Ride %01/%13/%12 pm31 %23:%JanJohn Rowe: At the south end of Burnt farm Ride. Nigel Hawthor...
Willow Cottage, Burnt Farm Ride%01/%04/%12 pm31 %19:%JanMick Coe: Possibly at the Crews Hill end of Burnt Farm Ride?
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