TES photographs

The Enfield Society photograph collection

Last comments - Enfield Lock and Brimsdown
Swan and Pike pool, River Lea Navigation, June 1983%03/%29/%16 pm31 %23:%Marmclacr: Fished here in the early 60's with my friend ...
%01/%14/%16 pm31 %22:%Janbronjo: I was born at 355 Ordnance Road in 1941 and would ...
RASF gateway and flagpole%04/%15/%14 pm30 %19:%AprTES: Not as far as I know, but we'll have a look i...
RASF gateway and flagpole%04/%15/%14 pm30 %19:%AprT.milson: Have you a picture of the bus turntable outside RS...
River Lea Navigation at Enfield Lock, with Swan and Pike pub%05/%30/%13 pm31 %12:%MayHilary: The information we have on the Swan & Pike is that...
Plantation Farm, Enfield Lock%05/%06/%13 pm31 %12:%MayGeraldine Todd nee S: Absolutely delighted to find this as Josiah Co...
River Lea Navigation at Enfield Lock, with Swan and Pike pub%11/%07/%12 pm30 %16:%Novvictor stevens: When was the Swan and Pike built, and when was it ...
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