
235 - St Peter's Church (2)

235 - St Peter's Church (3) - north side and new hall

235 - St Peters Church (1)

250 - The Old School House, Waverley Road (1)

250 - The Old School House, Waverley Road (2)

260 - The Old Court House, Windmill Hill (2) (side)

261 - Railway Bridge at Enfield Chase Station

261- Enfield Chase Station

Alms House Lane. Ann Crowe’s Almshouses, no.1-4

Blagdens Close, N14, Minchenden (Minchenden Lodge)

Chalk Lane, Dacre Cottage

Chase Side Place, No 5

Chase Side, Enfield, 39 and 41, 43 and 45

Chase Side, Enfield, 99 (The Bays)

Church Hill, N21, 55 (Stone Hall Lodge)

Church Hill, N21, Wall to north of St Paul's church

Church Lane, Chapel of Rest

Church Lane, wall to north of vicarage garden