TES photographs

The Enfield Society photograph collection

Bramley House, Clay Hill
An early Georgian red brick house of three storeys and five bays. This house has been rather thrown off balance by flanking additions in 1881 and 1926. An attractive two-storey stable block survives - probably contemporary with the original part of the house. - [i][Enfield's architectural heritage, plate 42][/i]
1750. Listed Grade II. In brown brick with red brick dressings, cornice band and stone-coped parapet. The original central section has left extension of 1881 and right extension of 1926, both in roughly similar character. Rear elevation early 19th century with three wroght-iron balconies at first floor level. Was a hospital for some year, now flats. - [i][Treasures of Enfield][/i]

Bramley House, Clay Hill

An early Georgian red brick house of three storeys and five bays. This house has been rather thrown off balance by flanking additions in 1881 and 1926. An attractive two-storey stable block survives - probably contemporary with the original part of the house. - [Enfield's architectural heritage, plate 42]
1750. Listed Grade II. In brown brick with red brick dressings, cornice band and stone-coped parapet. The original central section has left extension of 1881 and right extension of 1926, both in roughly similar character. Rear elevation early 19th century with three wroght-iron balconies at first floor level. Was a hospital for some year, now flats. - [Treasures of Enfield]

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Roger Davis   [%696 %14, %2012 pm31 %0:%Jan %Z]
Right at the bottom of Hillside Crescent was Bramley House, a home for mentally challenged ladies. Some of the lads from the choir at St. John's Church made up a band that used to practice at Bramley House and entertain the ladies. I occasionally played a double bass made out of a tea chest and broomstick to keep time with the piano and drums. Many of the ladies from Bramley House used to make the trip up Clay Hill to St. John's Church for the Sunday services. I also remember a garden party that was organised in Bramley House grounds around 1958.
trevorbarton@hotmail.com   [%839 %22, %2014 pm28 %0:%Feb %Z]
My Father, Gilbert "Jim" Barton was Head Gardener at Bramley House for many years.He had extensive kitchen gardens which kept the house and its residents self sufficient in fruit and vegetables with the added benefit to my brother and myself that we had more than our fair share of "five a day" at a time in the early 50`s when post war shortages were a daily reality. The formal gardens provided food for the soul with specimen trees, a fine range of flowering shrubs and, of course, cut flowers for the house. AA few of the more able ladies were recruited to work as "Garden Girls" and I was allowed to sweep, load the coke boilers for the house hot water and heating systems and pack Autumn apples into the storage racks for the winter. We lived as a family up Clay Hill in Ivy Cottage. I believe a property is still on site there built in part from the stocks of Ivy Cottage. Living next to the Fallow Buck was interesting and my Father augmented his income by working at the Rose and Crown at the foot of Clay Hill.

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