TES photographs

The Enfield Society photograph collection

Jubilee Footpath - fencing work
EPS volunteers fix plain and barbed wire to complete the fence on a section of the footpath in 1978. More than five miles of wire, secured by 3,500 staples and nails, were used on the path, which runs from Hadley Road to the Ridgeway. - [i]Fighting for the future[/i], page 134.
Keywords: 1970s;LC4;footpaths;fencing

Jubilee Footpath - fencing work

EPS volunteers fix plain and barbed wire to complete the fence on a section of the footpath in 1978. More than five miles of wire, secured by 3,500 staples and nails, were used on the path, which runs from Hadley Road to the Ridgeway. - Fighting for the future, page 134.

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